Friday, December 25, 2009

Spa Treatment=Removal Of Scars, Which Is Dead Skin, and Facials?

Do Spa Treatments that remove dead skin help remove scars? Because, scars are just basically dead skin right? A lady at the spa told me this and I wanted to try this before the Summer, so that I can show my legs with confidence. Also, do what spa treatments help with cellulite?

Last, facials do make your skin tone pop out and they make your skin glow, as i've heard, right?

Please, give me your input and answers.

ThanksSpa Treatment=Removal Of Scars, Which Is Dead Skin, and Facials?
* aloe vera jelly (externally)

* aloe vera juice (internally)

* shea butter

* silicia gel

* vitamin E oil (internally and externally, respective of its purpose)

* hydrogen peroxide

* eat veggies raw, when possibleSpa Treatment=Removal Of Scars, Which Is Dead Skin, and Facials?
It depends on the scar. If it's small a treatment might lessen it but no scars are not dead skin. Scars are damaged skin and with very serious scars there isn't much to do about them but that's mainly serious burn scars and things like that. No treatments help with cellulite. Some help briefly to make it appear a bit better but nothing gets rid of cellulite. Facials can be very, very successfully done at home without the cost of a spa. They make your skin glow when they remove the top surface of dead skin and allow the newer and healthier skin underneath to show. You can do that fine with a good quality scrub product. I was a skin care consultant for 10 years so I know from experience. Strangers used to stop me on the street to ask about my skin and I used all products you can use at home.

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